WEBVTT 00:03.000 --> 00:13.480 An aurora as we see it on Jupiter or on the Earth is caused by charged particles, electrons, or protons crashing into the atmosphere. 00:13.500 --> 00:19.740 When those electrons come bombarding in, they excite the electrons inside the hydrogen atom, 00:19.760 --> 00:26.000 and UV light comes pouring out and that's what produces most of the aurora on Jupiter. 00:26.020 --> 00:30.730 This is very similar to the Northern Lights of the Earth; it's the same physical process. 00:30.750 --> 00:38.840 Deep inside the planet the hydrogen has been compressed so much that it loses its electrons and you have a conducting layer 00:38.860 --> 00:41.550 so people call this metallic hydrogen... 00:41.570 --> 00:47.070 And it's in that conducting shell that we think Jupiter generates its magnetic field... 00:47.090 --> 00:56.580 Now, one of the interesting things is that it's carrying with it electrons and protons that are spiraling round as they crash into the atmosphere 00:56.600 --> 00:58:100 at the north and at the south. 00:58.120 --> 01:04.130 And when they do that, they create what we call an Aurora because they're generating light 01:04.150 --> 01:08:140 It's quite a spectacular sight if you can see this Aurora going on. 01:08.160 --> 01:14.550 Its so bright that you don't have to be on the surface of the planet where this is happening you can look at it from the outside 01:14.570 --> 01:29.050 And Juno is equipped to look at the Aurora on the North and South poles of Jupiter and to study it in a way that has never been possible before.