A Changing Understanding of Jupiter's Poles

2016-09-02 22:54 UT
Credit : Juno (NASA/SwRI/MSSS), Pioneer (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ted Stryk), Cassini (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI), Alex Longo
Submitted By : Pal'chikov-74
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 1

This montage combines images from the several NASA spacecraft that have flown over the poles of Jupiter: Pioneer, Cassini, and Juno. This image highlights the increases in image resolution with each successive flyby and the changing meteorology of Jupiter's clouds. You can see how the historic accomplishment of Juno, which has returned the sharpest images of the poles to date. Of course, this, along with all of my other creations, are dedicated to the wonderful teams who have made these missions possible and the great JunoCam image processing community!