PJ59, #127 and #129, Jupiter Approach, with distant Amalthea direct imaging, large crops, annotated

2024-03-27 23:28 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 59

The images are reprojected according to a preliminary geometrical camera model, cleaned from some of the camera artifacts, approximately illumination adjusted with a 3d degree polynomial BRDF over the cosines of the incidence and emission angle on the basis of PJ50 images, linearized to radiometric values, white-balanced with linear factors (0.734;1.0;3.023) for (R;G;B) on the basis of PJ54 JunoCam images, and displayed with gamma=2 with respect to the square root of radiometric values.

Note that the linear radiometric factors are overestimating the reddening of the images before the crossing of the most intense radiation belt, and underestimating it thereafter.

Resolution is 120 pixels per degrees in an equidistant cylindrical system centered to the camera at image stop time, with an axis parallel to Juno's spin axis. The images are a cropped from images with a rendered field of view of 60x30 degrees and cover about 15x30 degrees, each.