Possible Cloud Dynamics in the North Before Perijove 1

2016-11-25 09:47 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 1

The animated gif is composed of two cropped cylindrical de-lamberted and enhanced maps of images #6159 and #6160, both processed directly from the raws. The images have been taken on 2016 Aug 27, before Juno's perijove 1. North is to the right. The time span between the two images has been about 72 minutes.

The most evident hints to cloud dynamics in these crops can be found between about +67 to +70 degrees planetocentric latitude, and between about 120 and 133 degrees longitude (III), as well as between 148 and 162 degrees longitude (III). Those appear to include turbulent folded filamentary regions (FFRs).

Only part of the apparent change can likely be explained away by inaccurate processing, including undoing the change of perspective.