PJ12 High Resolution Cropped Cylindrical Map, Montage over 14 flyby images

2018-04-09 18:06 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 12

The map is derived from the 14 raw PJ12 JunoCam RGB images #84 to #99. Resolution is 180 pixels per planetocentric degree, latitude range is between 45 degrees south and 45 degrees north, and latitude range in System III between 280 and 350 degrees west. North is to the right. The map covers the GRS in the southern hemisphere, small, but distinct waves near the equator, the anticylone WS-4 in the northern hemisphere, and many more interesting features. The similar scale gives an intuitive idea of relative sizes. The boundaries between the patches the map is composed of are mostly visible. The respective source images can easily be assigned, if required.