By Philosophia-47 on 2024-06-26 UT

Report on the JunoCam PJ62 images of Io and Jupiter.

Latest comment 4 weeks ago
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By Philosophia-47 on 2024-06-24 UT

Report on JunoCam's images at PJ61

Latest comment 4 weeks ago
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PJ55 report

By Philosophia-47 on 2023-11-20 UT

Report on the PJ55 images

Latest comment 8 months ago
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PJ53 report

By Philosophia-47 on 2023-08-29 UT

Report on the images taken at PJ53

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PJ51 images report

By Philosophia-47 on 2023-06-13 UT

PJ51 images report

Latest comment one year ago
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JunoCam global maps

By Philosophia-47 on 2023-02-16 UT

We present the collection of global cylindrical maps created from JunoCam images by G.E. & J.H.R.

Latest comment one year ago
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By Philosophia-47 on 2022-08-12 UT

Composite north polar projection maps, PJ1-PJ40.

Latest comment 2 years ago
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PJ32 report

By Philosophia-47 on 2021-03-17 UT

Report on the JunoCam images at PJ32.

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Maps of Jupiter’s south polar region

By Philosophia-47 on 2021-02-26 UT

Here are complete sets of composite south polar projection maps made from JunoCam images.

Latest comment 3 years ago
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Perijove 25

By Philosophia-47 on 2020-03-05 UT

Report on the PJ25 images from JunoCam.

Latest comment 4 years ago
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Perijove 24 (2019 Dec.26)

By Philosophia-47 on 2020-02-05 UT

Report on JunoCam images at PJ24.

Latest comment 4 years ago
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Perijove 23

By Philosophia-47 on 2019-11-28 UT

Report on PJ23 (2019 Nov.3)

Latest comment 5 years ago
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Perijove 22

By Philosophia-47 on 2019-10-13 UT

Here is a report on the JunoCam images at PJ22

Latest comment 5 years ago
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Perijove 21

By Philosophia-47 on 2019-08-05 UT

Here is a report on the JunoCam images at PJ21.

Latest comment 5 years ago
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Perijove 20

By Philosophia-47 on 2019-06-17 UT

Here is a report on the JunoCam images at PJ20.

Latest comment 5 years ago
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Perijove 18

By Philosophia-47 on 2019-04-01 UT

Here is a report on the JunoCam images at PJ18.

Latest comment 5 years ago
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Perijove 17

By Philosophia-47 on 2019-02-08 UT

Here is a report on the JunoCam images at PJ17

Latest comment 5 years ago
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Perijove 16

By Philosophia-47 on 2018-11-20 UT

Here is a report on the JunoCam images at PJ16.

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Perijove 15

By Philosophia-47 on 2018-09-29 UT

Comments on the images from Perijove 15 (2018 Sep.7)

Latest comment 6 years ago
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Perijove 13

By Philosophia-47 on 2018-05-26 UT

At PJ13, as at PJ11, the spacecraft was pointed towards the Sun and Earth so the images of low latitudes were oblique. They included panoramic views of several interesting features.

Latest comment 6 years ago
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