Welcome to Discussion
has a dynamic atmosphere where winds in the belts (brown) and zones (white) go
in opposite directions. Storms develop and evolve, and other atmospheric
features come and go. An
imaging team, the scientists that operate the cameras on NASA missions, always
begins with a discussion phase that covers what we know and what we would like
to learn. You are a member of our
JunoCam virtual imaging team. This
discussion page is a place for general thoughts about Jupiter and your questions
and ideas.
Campaigns are topics for discussion, and may become candidates for targeting during Perijove passes.
Cylindrical Map
We use images from amateur astronomers (uploaded on the Planning page) to create a new cylindrical map every 14 days. This is the latest one! We have identified long-lived storms as Points of Interest (POI’S) and invite you to share your thoughts about them.
map : 2024-12-24 UT
Cylindrical map generated from data submitted via the JunoCam Planning section.
Points of Interest
POI suggestion has been disabled due to the orientation of Juno, Jupiter, and the Sun. POI based discussion of existing POIs is still open.
General Comments
The zeta function and Rheimans hypothesis, plus color theory and the speed of light mean earth and mars are the same at different points in time, can anyone hear me? NASA I’m trying to help. I have the equations you need but you won’t open your eyes
Thank you for accepting my request to join. I just read an article about the moon, lo. Under 1000 miles close? Amazing! Fascinating!
From the Image Processing Welcome message at https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/processing#Welcome
JunoCam is now showing the effects of that radiation on some of its parts. PJ56 images show a reduction in our dynamic range and an increase in background and noise. We invite citizen scientists to explore new ways to process these images to continue to bring out the beauty and mysteries of Jupiter and its moons.
Being part of the JunoCam image processing community, gaining a clearer understanding of the challenges would enable us to enhance our image processing techniques. Transparently sharing technical details, insights, and ongoing analysis from the project would boost our efficiency and improve our ability to devise effective workarounds.
The following image compares green channel PJ55_72 transformed with a very preliminary model of the image corruption issue with PJ56_191 raw data:
Data from recent orbits include "marble movie" images which use only two color filters, Blue and Red. What is the motivation for using two filters instead of three? And can you discuss how these long image sequences are used by the project.
Jupiter's storms are absolutely mind-boggling! Just imagine these massive swirling tempests on a gas giant like Jupiter. The Great Red Spot, in particular, is a fascinating phenomenon. Scientists study these storms to gain insights into the intricacies of planetary weather systems beyond our own. It's incredible how these storms persist and endure over time, showcasing the immense power and dynamism of the universe. They ignite a sense of wonder and curiosity within us, compelling us to delve deeper into the mysteries of space. Jupiter's storms are a vivid reminder of the boundless beauty and complexity that exist in our cosmic backyard.
Qupiter : World's largest natural quantum Computer- planet Jupiter.
What If Planet Jupiter is a naturally formed quantum computer?
How does the radiometers work? I guess a model is used to relate frequency emission of various substance, the attenuation of the signal with depth etc. How could that be calibrated on earth?
These images of Jupiter and Ganimede was captured on August 29, 2021 from city of Cremona (Northern Italy) through a 255mm F20 Maksutov Rumak telescope with Zwo ASI 224MC CMOS camera, IR Blocking filter and ADC Corrector. Video of 120sec at 30 fps with Sharpcap, was stacked 1800/3600 frames. Images processed with Astrosurface, registax, Fitswork, Camera Raw.
Wich is the Clyde's Spot in these images ? - Planet Jupiter taken from Cremona (Northern Italy) through a 255mm F20 Maksutov Rumak telescope + Zwo ASI 224MC CMOS color camera + ADC Corrector + Baader IR Pass 685nm filter / IR Blocking filter. Stacked 400/3600 frames at 30 fps. Software videocapture Sharpcap. Frames was aligned and stacked by Autostakkert. Images has been processed with software Astrosurface, Fitswork, Camera Raw. I so obtained an RGB image and Monochromatic image. Finally these RGB and Monochromatic images was added together. About the Clyde's Spot I have indicated the area in wich perhaps can be seen this detail. Can you confirm wich is exactly the Clyde's Spot in my images ? Many thanks and best regards. Francesco Badalotti
Attached is my best educated guess. The orange arrows should point to the respective position of Clyde's spot.
Ok, Many thanks !!
The Dolphin-shaped clouds seen in one set of Juno images are forms which may be precursors of forms in life in fluid media even on Earth. Other similar relationships, then, may be discovered, which would involve phenomena such as diffusion, m*c^2=h*nu, heat and thermodynamics, concentration gradients and so on.
I'd like to see these spots:
Whispy dark cloud -7.452°, 338.976°
Beethoven-60 69.786°, 83.7°
Would love to have an explanation of planning and work that went into the planning and acquisition of perijove 27 image 40 where Io is captured in partial occultation by Jupiter.
We got amazingly lucky! The timing of this image was not deliberate...
Hello! I am new to this so, can you explain me?
Hello everyone! This is my first comment/post on here, so please bear with me as my ADD can get the better part of my thoughts at times. It was recommended to me to post here after seeing results from a fluid dynamics project I am working on and share pictures of these observations.
Quick backstory of why I am here: I have been performing some random fluid experiments using a "cobbled together" rheoscopic fluid in bottles with the intent of monitoring convection and rotation to find evidence demonstrating proof-of-concept of an idea I have– to share with those who study severe weather/mesocyclones. The point is to observe flow dynamics without atmospheric interference, a.k.a. condensation. One day I decided to record a little "fun" with exaggerated manipulation with the bucket I use to discard contents of some of these bottles. The video recordings were mesmerizing to watch– as the flow patterns constantly evolved and changed. A single input of rotation lasts 7-10 minutes. I have even been able to induce one specific condition- one that is seen as transverse rotating cirrus clouds observed with tropical systems and supercells.
Now to get to the point. It was noticed that quite a number of these patterns are very close to many seen in the pictures taken by Juno of Jupiter's atmosphere. Perhaps further analysis of these patterns might help with understanding storm/rotation dynamics seen on Jupiter? I'd love to upload some of this video, but I cannot seem to do so without compression/losing the fine detail that shows what is happening (any advice would be greatly appreciated). So for now, here are some screenshots from some of those videos. I have edited the hue/saturation on some to highlight different features...and so that they don't all look the same.
With that said, if this catches the attention of anyone, I will be more than happy to share everything.
Apologies for the incorrect link to the images. Here is the correct one.
Proposed friction will eventually light Jupiter as a sun!
I received the error message "Uh oh, we ran into some errors." when I tired sending the following message via the CONTACT form at the bottom of the web page using both Safari and Chrome on MacOS 10.14.6.
Can someone there edit the description on one of my uploads.
I'd like to change "548 Megapixel" to "168 Megapixel" in
If not, I'll delete an re-upload.
Are the tools used by Mr. Eichstadt or Mr. Gill in processing the "striped" image (see discussion thread of 2018-08-21) available? If so, what are they called?
Mr. Gill's raw/"striped" image processing tool is on Github at https://github.com/kmgill/cassini_processing . Additionally, performs image enhancements using Photoshop, and produces animations using Blender.
The tools I'm using for processing the raw JunoCam data are propriatary, and designed for internal use only.
Gerald Eichstädt
Thank you for your inputs on the targets! This is very helpful to our image acquisition planning.
I'd like to see the following two POI photographed:
“A Whirl Of A Pearl”, -38.689°, 71.064°
“Crown of the King”, 62.442°, 341.784°
I'd also like to see the North Pole (ID 1139) Latitude: 57.6 Longitude: 301.068
I'd like to see the Great Red Spot (ID 1052) Latitude: -20.664 Longitude: 257.112
The red spot is interesting.
The Juno mission inspired me to write a piece of music dedicated to the 16th flyby last December. It musically depicts the course of a single orbit. Check out the link if you're interested! https://chrischilds.bandcamp.com/
very nice piece of music!
Can someone point me towards algorithms for map-projecting RAW JunoCam data onto equirectangular maps? Anyone knows how this is done?
Greetings -
I have tried numerous times to bring out the intricacies of the Jovian cloud forms from the raw images, such as the nimbus-like cloud tops and appearance of layering. I just cannot find it there in the 1600 X 1600 pixel images provided for the general public's use. If I may respectfully use as an example, the images of Mr. Eichstadt or Mr. Gill show unprecedented details and sharpness. I have tried to replicate their works using a rather ancient version of Photoshop, and I believe it is still capable enough to produce the basics. I have to suspect that there are other forms of raw images or data from which are somehow accessible, but not to the public. Am I correct?
The raw images are indeed posted, but they are much more difficult to use. When you go to download an image it is the "striped" version on the far left. That is where Mr. Gill and Mr. Eichstadt start. Most people do not have the sophisticated image processing tools they have, which is why we post the other (albeit lower resolution) images for people to use.
Dear JunoCAM Team, NASA, MSSS, can we work out and discuss the Colors a bit more here on the Discussion section?
As far as I understand scientific terms, what the JunoCAM Tool is showing are approximately raw; TRUE; realistic Colors of Jupiter. It is showing the Reflected Light in Colors from the planetary surface at the right orbital distance from the Star...
When the Citizen Scientists and Artists are enhancing; enriching; sharpening the raw images they are showing a '(NATURAL COLOR)' or an Image of Jupiter as it should look at the Earth Orbital Distance from the Star in an approximate Human Eye Resolution in Pixels... ?
The JunoCam images that have been processed to show Jupiter in true color should be comparable to what you would obtain if you could orbit Jupiter in a spaceship and photograph it with a typical camera (or even a phone). Even though Jupiter is five times farther from the Sun than the Earth is, the sunlight at Jupiter easily bright enough for typical consumer-type cameras. It's roughly comparable to an overcast/cloudy day on Earth.
When processing the raw JunoCam images into true color images some corrections have to be made to the original, raw data. Otherwise you get orange or yellow colored images which is not at all like Jupiter's color. The correction can be done using true color Earth-based Jupiter images as a reference, or by using Jupiter's spectrum to compute the correct overall color. Also some areas on Jupiter are known to be approximately white and these can be used as a reference.
The resolution of the JunoCam images is rather similar to the resolution (or resolving power) of the human eye - maybe slightly lower. This is different from most other spacecraft images which usually have a much narrower field of view than JunoCam (and therefore higher resolution). This means that what you see in a true color JunoCam image should be rather similar to what you would see with your own eye's from the spacecraft's location, both in terms of color and resolution.
Can you please tell me how far north in latitude the image at
shows? It's centered on Jupiter's south pole, but I'd like to know the northern extent.
Thanks so much,
Michael E. Bakich
Senior editor / Photo editor
ASTRONOMY magazine
21027 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, WI 53187
show the 4 inner moons of Jupiter
JunoCAM is a scientific tool that is specially Designed; Calibrated and Adjusted to take high resolution images from a certain Space altitude while orbiting around Jupiter. Even if is directed to some of those tiny objects they perhaps wont be focused and will be barely visible in some pixel size. It will be not possible to clear; sharpen or focus them with any of the available software. You must know that I am just an amateur and not a specialist or professional, so you might need an assistance from one of those.
The inner moons are too tiny for us to resolve - they are only about a pixel in size.
Dear NASA; Juno Mission; MSSS;
I would like to clear something here in the Discussion Section. What we are seeing on those images is actually Reflected Light from the Star. On the Computer Monitors we are seeing Emitted Light. Are there any Images from the dark side of Jupiter? If some of those are large Volcanoes is there any emitted Volcanic Lava Light; or Electrical Lightning Light; or other gas or radiation emitted light from Jupiter? Can we and JunoCAM spot them from that space altitude?
I am asking this because and regarding my proposed Concept Tool for calibration and observation. I am presenting to you an explanatory Image with that part from the Tool Concept containing different LCD light emitters and light reflectors.
Jupiter is what we call a gas giant. It is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with no surface, just a higher density gas as you go deeper. There are definitely no volcanoes on Jupiter, although its moon Io erupts routinely.
What we see in JunoCam images is light reflected from Jupiter's atmosphere. Trace amounts of methane, ammonia and a variety of hydrocarbons and compounds with sulfur give it the different color clouds. Jupiter has an aurora, so it does have emitted light, but we are not able to detect that in JunoCam images. We do expect to be able to detect lightning but we cannot predict the timing.
As I suspected...! Thank Goodness there are so many Investigators and Key Personnel!... So, the overall Scientific opinion is that what we are seeing with our Human eyes and with our Digital Cameras and Monitors here on Earth is different than what we are seeing in Earth's Orbit, and is way different on the Moon and Lunar orbit; and even more different on Mars and Martian orbit; and so is totally different in Jupiter's Orbit and even the Sun.
And this is so, not only because of the space Distance between the Star and those Cosmic bodies, and the different Light length and wave, but is because those are several totally different Space Environments with different orbit and gravity, that contain different combinations of elements...
I would like to proceed with the clear-out of the Tool Concept. On the presented image are shown the Plates with Earth Elements: Minerals; Rocks; Metals; Alloys. They are by Default. This means that on the image concept is shown only a Grey Color and no particular Earth Element nor Color is chosen; applied; or presented at this stage. The shapes are designed to be different than oval; spherical; or circle shape of a Planet so to not compete with the main observation object. The Types and the Colors of those elements however should be selected from an appropriate Specialists from a qualified governing body: NASA's Materials Testing Laboratory; USGS; NIST; US Mint; or similar.
The Point of Interest of sending such a plates with Earth Elements on the Observation Calibration Tool is that they will show different colors and textures characteristics when imaged in different Space Environment.
There is also a second Point of Interest: when the Craft is traveling into deep space for around 10 Years or more, those Earth Elements can show a sign of interaction; change; or reaction with the Space Environment during the voyage or when orbiting around the distant Planet because the environment will be different than the near Earth orbit.
HANSEN, HANSEN, Hansen..., it is true, the Jupiter weather and atmosphere are not only getting Stormy; but are also getting Barbaric and Bushier to.
I wonder what happen with the ''creativity and curiosity in the scientific spirit and the adventure of space exploration is highly encouraged and we look forward to seeing Jupiter through not only JunoCam’s eyes,''?
So, the Mission will not let me into the 'Think Tank' group and be part of it no matter if ''I am interested and I am contacting you via the 'Think Tank' contact us link?
Anyway send complimentary notes to M. O'Connor!
According to Wikipedia https://wikipedia.org : "A think tank, think factory or policy institute is a research institute/center and organisation that performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture. Most policy institutes are non-profit organisations, which some countries such as the United States and Canada provide with tax exempt status. Other think tanks are funded by governments, advocacy groups, or corporations, and derive revenue from consulting or research work related to their projects."
Citizen Scientists with a more different understandings of social science projects and more interesting Space Concepts are not allowed into the THINK TANK section.
Only jupiter mapping and weather forecasting till now... sorry!
Dear NASA; Juno Mission; MSSS;
several days ago, around a week to be precise I have contacted to you via the 'Think Tank contact us' web option. Should I specifically mention that 'I would like to be involved in this group' or just to made the contact?
To be honest as far as I understand this group is dealing with mostly Jupiter Mapping; Jupiter Meteorology; and Jupiter Weather Forecasts. I am not exactly interested in this area of the Space Science.
Do I belong in the 'Think Tank' group, while I am designing; creating and contributing mostly Space Science related concepts?
Yes, it's true, the Think tank is for Jupiter atmosphere and weather mapping. That is the purpose.
Everyone should be excited for Juno's 13th perijove
Right now I have put up a marker named Cyclone of Athena pending approval. Right now it appears that the Cyclone of Athena (Latitude:-30°; Longitude: 326) is roughly 180° opposite of the Great Red Spot in latitude. It is sucking all the gas that appears to be in the lower zone of gas that the G.R.S. is spitting out and and is creating in it's wake a black cloud (which I suggest we call The Athenian Scar while it lasts because of the legend of how Athena, goddess of wisdom, was born.) I think that there must be a force that causes this storm to eat up a band coming from G.R.C. and not get sucked into it. Any suggestions from a professional or amateur who knows everything they can possibly know on this subject?
It all started here on Earth. With the science Meteorology and Weather Forecasting. Naming a Large Lethal Storm; a Devastating Hurricane; Destructive Cyclone and so on, is a huge success for the Meteorologists Scientists. And than yet on Planet Earth they are so few and important part of the Atmosphere. My only concern is that on Jupiter they are the MAIN Visible think and are sooo many, so probably the smaller one are absolutely insignificant. It will went that it is not so large success to name so much POI's and so many Atmospheric Formations on Jupiter. Perhaps just the main Features. I MEAN: Look what you, the POI'sers have done, turned the Jupiter to look like a Swiss Cheese. It will be a success if you name a Hard Land or Water there on Jupiter.
Plugged. Quotations: "Mmmbop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du Yeah Mmmbop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, Ba du dop Ba du bop, Ba du dop Ba du Yeah" :end Quotations. Unplugged.
Dear NASA; Juno Mission; SwRI;
Its been a bitter sweet week for science. But the life and the mission goes on. With risk to become inconvenient I would like to ask the following question:
JUNO Mission and the JunoCam experiment in combination with Citizen Science and Social Science is the first Space Mission of its kind. For the first time the public can actively participate and interact with the mission.
Would you rather be so Generously Kind to award the participants with a (Digital Virtual) CERTIFICATE of PARTICIPATION?
I too would like some kind of official recognition...I mean in the digital world if you don't have a selfie then it didn't happen...right? It doesn't have to be much...just keep our names on a volunteer roster open to the public...for those that chose to be published of course...then send us a little certificate we can hang on the wall. That would be nice.
who is Syukumeguri?
The Juno Mission web site server have given you a 'unique identifier' for your Personal Safety and Privacy. There is an option in the account settings to change it with a 'nickname' by your choice; or to use your real Name.
Hey, thanks for sharing the Solar Certificate! I am a huge Fan of the Sun, while I reside in a remote Mountain area where the winter and the snow are about 7 months in total, so I try to enjoy the Sun every day!
If you want to share a proper image of the Certificate you should try to use the 'Print Screen' Command. I am not very sure that those Internet Virtual Digital Certificates should be printed and hanged on the wall. It is better to stay in a digital form on your computer storage.
I have a question....how does jupiter's surface gasses stay in perfect formation and not all mix together and explode? Its a beautiful thing to look at but i dont understand how they stay perfectly seperated.
I will try to answer, but you must know that I am not a professional specialist: You probably know about the relations between the Earth and the Moon and the oceans outflows and tides. So, there are theories that the Jupiter bright and reddish Stripes are related with its orbiting planetary satellites. Of course you should add in consideration that the Jupiter is spinning around it axis with a very fast speed, so the satellites are keeping the colors in an approximately straight stripe shape. About the 'gasses' , there is no actual proof that those are gasses and that the chemical ingredients are somewhat explosive. All those are just a theories based on a Planetary Cosmic Space deduction and there is no actual scientific proof. If you are interested, you should check with the teachers; the professors; or someone from NASA.
Jupiter's atmosphere consists mostly of hydrogen, and of some helium. Impurites of other gases contribute to form the clouds. There is no mix of gases that would explode, especially no relevant amounts of free oxygen to react with the hydrogen. If abundant free oxygen ever existed on Jupiter, it reacted with abundant hydrogen to water long ago in the past. The colored clouds are made of trace amounts of more complex molecules. If some of the trace water vapor is decomposed by ultraviolet light into oxygen and hydrogen, it's small amounts that will react soon after formation, but without fire or explosion due to the very low abundance.
I would like to thank you for the fast response JUNO SPECIALIST Candy! I hope you do not mind that I am withdrawing from publicity some of mine contributions and creations from the PROCESSING GALLERY. They will still remain in the https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/ server storage though.
I also would like to ask you or some of the rest of the Team; or the citizen scientists from the 'THINK TANK' sections this type of question: As far as I understand, the JUNO CAM Tool is taking a high resolution images from Planet Jupiter. What we are seeing is a Map created from adjusting the Images of Jupiter Planetary Skin-flakes which are showing large atmospheric formations that are constantly moving and changing. Can you show approximately what part of the Jupiter hard surface or Jupiter land is actually visible? Can this be shown on some sort of Image Map? Or we are seeing just a clouds and atmospheric formations on those Maps?
With the visible light camera JunoCam, we can only see atmospheric features on Jupiter, i.e. Jupiter's cloud top, and hazes. Several hundred kilometers below Jupiter's cloud top, and hidden beneath the clouds, Jupiter's atmosphere is compressed more and more under its own weight. At some point, the pressure is large enough to make the gas behaving like a liquid. But as said before, we cannot look this deep with the JunoCam. It isn't known for sure yet, whether Jupiter has a solid core or a solid shell close to its center. Juno's gravity measurements try to infer constraints regarding the structure of Jupiter's deep interior. The gas Jupiter's outer layers consist mostly of molecular hydrogen. The second-most abundant gas is helium. The clouds are made of impurities, like frozen ammonia, water ice, or some photochemical reaction products on the basis of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus. Those photochemical products may be complex molecules with absorption bands in visible wavelengths defining their color. The details are subject of ongoing research.
Thank you for the answer. Perhaps, there is a possibility the Jupiter atmospheric formations also to contain lot of aerosols? I saw that you Maquet-80 and Philosophia-47 are on the THINK TANK section and are doing great Jupiter Maps. You both are very good at it. Is it possible those bluish colors on the Poles to be actually waters and /or liquids. What part of them is really visible? Can you show this on a conceptual approximate Jupiter Poles Map? Thank You!
All the visible clouds are very likely by aerosols on the micrometer scale. The aerosol particles are likely to be solid. Among the most abundant species are probably small particles of ammonia ice and water ice. I don't think, that there exists already an agreement about the precise chemical composition of the bluish, brownish, or reddish chromophores in Jupiter's atmosphere. It's unlikely, that we see droplets of liquids in visible wavelengths in Jupiter's cloud tops.
To be honest the JUNO Mission and the JunoCam are doing GREAT! I mean for 55-60 years of space exploration and 20-25 years of Internet Exploration those are a Vast Achievements. And I mean A VAST!
I was thinking lately if using the Planetary Space Deduction method and for sample use the Mendeleeys Table of Elements, would it be possible to compare and find which one of those Jupiterian Aerosols are close to the Earth's Aerosol elements with the same colors?
On the pictures they do look like some sort of Aero-Foam, much denser, more like the Shaving Foam or the Cream Foam. When in contact with air and oxygen they do turn into something with aerosol foam shape...
The main Point here is that Jupiter is some sort of Hot and Warm - far away from the Sun than the Earth, but still contains a lot of atmosphere and fast moving storms .!
There is also a little bit of sulfur from Io. Here is a link to a nice article about the Great Red Spot:
Dear JUNO Specialist CANDICE HANSEN, two weeks has left since the last contact. Are there any news and developments on those two uploaded contents?
I also am trying to reach and load the https://missionquiz.ksc.nasa.gov/ since quite sometimes, but it does not work. Does anyone knows if this NASA MissionQuiz feature still works?
Thank you so much for your contributions! I'm not sure if these will help at all with the diversity program. I'll see what I can find out.
Dear NASA; Juno Mission;
Do you think that this sort of Space Missions combined with a Citizen Science and Social Experiments can be considered and used also as a Work-Shops? I already have created and contributed a:
1. Half-ready digital Juno Calendar
2. The 'D' letter blueprint
3. Unique 'CAPTHA' message generated background feature for digital images Passport Security
4. 'Jupiter' boutique Chocolate branch
5. The 'Solar Eclipse' text font variation
6. 'Jupizzer' boutique Pizza branch
7. a Tool concept ...?
Some of the contributions are clearly Artistic; some are related with a Commercial Business; and some are clearly Scientific? Do you think that those electronic digital virtual contributions and creations can be considered as an additional points for the KCC DV's Electronic Diversity Program?
Just a suggestion but could you snap a picture of Jupiter at the highest point of Juno's orbit? I'd like to see what Jupiter looks like from afar while, relatively speaking, not being that far away. It could also allow for a glimpse at Jupiter's very faint ring system if angled correctly.
Jupiter's ring is barley detectable by JunoCam. But this is the image taken of it. https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/processing?id=2576
I told that the "Jupiter Ring" theory was canceled lately...!? We all saw that there are no visible Rings around Jupiter with the help of the JunoCam, as well as with regular telescopes... The only thing that is visible are those Jupiter Stripes.
I remember seeing a documentary years ago about Chaos theory. It fascinated me because it demonstrated that a large rotating sphere of gas would inevitably create a "spot" much like the Red Spot we see on Jupiter and, until recently, Uranus. I haven't heard anything since, and have wondered if Chaos theory was ever considered to be a causal factor with respect to the spots on Jupiter and Uranus.
Hello! I was wondering about a nice and easy way to explain a planet's albedo? Any suggestions?
Hello! Simply put a planets albedo is the amount of light reflected from the surface of the celestial object (or planet). Whiter objects reflect more light than darker objects absorb more light. Albedo = reflected light/incident light. Values between 0 (dark) and 1(white). Ex. Jupiter's albedo = 0.34
Hi, can someone help me out please. I'm looking to download the RAW images like it says on the site but when I download the files are just crappy 1mb PNG's????? Anyone help? Thanks.
The raw images are the greyscale PNGs consisting of stripes / "framelets" of usually 128 pixels height. Everything else is more or less tricky image processing, i.e. a reconstruction of an image of Jupiter from the information encoded in the raw image, and in according geometrical navigation and camera data that can be accessed via NASA's SPICE/NAIF files, combined with the metadata. If you don't like to do your own image processing, take a look at the images processed by the public. A small subset of those can also be found in NASA's Photojournal.
Is it possible to get a video of a moon of Jupiter eclipsing the sun?
No, we can't image the sun. It would damage our detector. Sorry!
I want to see a realtime video (not a stitched together time lapse). What would it look to watch a flyby live as a passenger?
This video shows a realtime view of what JunoCam sees while it is collecting one image. This would be repeated every 30 seconds with each revolution of the Juno spacecraft. https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/processing?id=3190
Hello! Love this stuff!
... I love stereo imagery and I've been wanting to see some hyperstereo (large interocular distance) pairs from Jupiter. I want to see some cloud depth!
Does anyone know if there has been a series of images taken pointing at the same basic spot (POI) over a relatively short period of time? - I don't know what the distance needed between images would be (maybe between 1/100 and 1/200 of the distance to the "cloud surface").
And, if there have not been pictures taken like this, can they be added to the plan/schedule? (Please! :) )
I can process and arrange/place the images myself, but I need stereo pair sources.
Thanks for any info...
It would probably be best to take a series of 3 or 4 images at relatively even intervals so we could try different pairings for different interocular distances.
Also, does anybody know what kind of height/depth variation there is in the "surface clouds"?
The JunoCam images have not enabled really convincing stereo imaging. Because of the way the camera scans the surface, it does not take images less than 2 minutes apart, in which time the spacecraft moves almost 6000 km (near closest approach which has altitude near 4000 km), so the same region is viewed from quite different angles. The maximum vertical range of the visible clouds is tens of km, but many of them are diffuse on this scale. The most promising features for stereo imaging are the tiny white shadow-casting clouds which appear widespread over many regions in images from PJ6 onwards, and are around 10-50 km across. We have tried to see parallax in some map-projected images of these but the results were not really convincing. If you want to try, the best pairs of images would be among those of the north or south temperate regions taken from PJ6 onwards. (At higher latitudes, the spacecraft is higher and moving slower, so the angles between successive pictures are smaller, but the distance is then too great to resolve likely parallax.) --John.
Hey, I saw you in the 'THINK TANK' section. You are pretty good at creating Jupiter Maps. Can you show us an approximate Map of Jupiter that contains only the visible parts of the surface of Jupiter? I think that those on the Poles are actually waters and /or liquids. What part of the Surface is really visible? Can you show this on a conceptual approximate Map? Thank You!
Anyone know what time Perijove 10 is on Dec, 16th? (Is it just me or is it weird that this info in not available anywhere on the website and perijove is only 5 days away?)
Perijove-10 is 2017 DEC 16 17:56:58 UTC
How about a red spot close up flyby
They did one in July. Images are here on this website. Also nice animation using Juno data was released today.
Can we download the highest resolution images NASA has?
Yes, just go to the image processing section of our website.
I can't find any high- res raw images on here. They are png files which small only. Can I open with photoshop or do I need special software? I don't see layers of color most of the png files are black and white the combo faint color.
Dear NASA; Juno Mission;
excuse me for the not so correct English, but I also have a speech defects in my own native language, for some reason. I would like to ask is it good idea when we have a long-term extraterrestrial scientific space mission to a cosmic body, different than the Earth, for example like space missions to Moon; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; asteroids and comets; and beyond, we should have installed on the board of the Space Craft a routine necessary Scientific Tools like:
1. An Inner Camera view from the interior of the space craft. I think it would be very interesting to have an inner observation. Will there be a space crystallization; space patina;
space oxidation; space micro-particles; space dust inside the spaceship when the mission is lasting for 5-10-30 and more years.
2. An Inner Camera Micro Observation Window and a Calibration Target Tool next to it when the mission is lasting for 5-10-30 and more years. The tool could be similar to the MSL MAHLI, JUNO Mission LEGO Minifigures experiments; or the ISS HDD Viewing experiment. In this way it will be cool; realistic and really interesting to share; watch and participate in those future epic space journeys.
This is an interesting idea!
Thanks Giving me an Answer dear JUNO SPECIALIST Candy! I guess it is time to shuffle the things a bit. You must know that I am not a Optical Specialists and Lens Specialist. I will try to re-arrange the Micro-Observation Window Tool concept and centralize the window somehow, so to be possible to position the rest of the experiments around it equally. In this way the specially designed Digital Camera with a Specially Designed Lens will be able to observe the Experiments and the Planetary Window together. As soon as I have a new concept, I will share it again here.
Anyway, does anyone from the Citizens Science Community is interested in how the 'D' Letter Blueprint were designed and have been invented. Sure, the windy atmosphere and the Vortexes of Jupiter are interesting and important, but the 'D' Letter is also as much as important as them. Without the 'D' Letter we wouldn't have words like Donuts; Democracy; Dollar; Digital; Diversity; Disney; Donald; Duck; Drum; Dream; Day; Denmark; and many more than a Dozens Different words.
We just can imagine how the ancient humans were finger-pointing into the dark skies with an exactly Half-Moon on it and were perhaps saying something neandertalic like 'THE' or 'D', and than someone have just decided that this image with the Half-Moon should be named 'D'. So, here I am presenting some sort of Digital-Color Experiment on the 'D' Letter and Jupiter combined.
Well, that is it for now. Happy Planetary Thanks Giving Day across the Globe!
I'll try to do it with matlab tonight.
Any luck with that?
Very good.
The new face on Juno... Juno watching u too :)
Low pressure spirals inward.
High pressure fans out.
This feature looks to me like it is spinning clockwise and spiraling inward therefore i believe it is a low pressure and not a high pressure system
I have seen other white ovals that also spiral inward as well.
I believe we need to rethink high pressure systems
as being the dominant storm type on Jupiter.
Question for the pipeline team - why is the south pole methane image JNCE_2017192_07M00065_V01-mapprojected.png rotated about 13 degrees relative to the companion RGB image JNCE_2017192_07C00064_V01-mapprojected.png.
If stitched raw images from junocam would be shared - It would be great! Good day everyone!
Sorry but I am find it difficult to locate unprocessed images, I've looked all around, up and down pages. Looking for a url to point me toward Fit or Tiff files
I'm not a scientist, just a regular person. But I would like to know in (non-science) why is that spot red? is there a volcano causing the red stain or some other event? Thank you.
The "Great Red Spot" is still quite debated among scientists on the cause and effect according to nasa.gov. The gas atmosphere consisting mostly of hydrogen and helium is so unlike Earth it's hard to understand the chemical composition and how that effects the physical appearance. Some studies suggest that the other more minuscule gases in the atmosphere such as ammonium hydrosulfide could be reacting with UV radiation from the sun to give it that red color. Although there are many other chemicals that give the appearance of a red color. Ideally there needs to be more lab experiments and studies mimicking Jupiters atmosphere to guess what causes the "great red spot"
Source: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/jupiter-s-great-red-spot-a-swirling-mystery
Is there a website where those interested can get the raw FITS files of Juno data? I'm assuming that the data coming from the spacecraft is in FITS format and not PNG.
A 3D model of the jovian atmosphere (cloudscape ?)
Hi. I wonder if it is possible (more "when" than "if") to give an approximate 3D reconstruction of the jovian atmosphere using JIRAM,UWS and MWR.
Basically combining colorimetric/imaging data and radio data to give an approximate density map of the turbidity,color of the clouds and atmospheric haze. stereoscopy with all instruments cloud also aid in the differenciation of overlapping layers.
While i am no expert, a good POC for the process could be done using the media (for cloud scattering) feature of POV-ray software and density files.
The render times would be absurdly long however on a privately owned computer....
A fast render using JNCE_2017033_04C00107_V01-mapprojected.png as basis for a cloud map can give a fast idea
What is the scale??
I was just looking for basic info to make some estimates of the physical size of some of the features in the images, and I am not finding anything to help with this question. In the metadata I see the distance from Jupiter is recorded, but what is the width of the camera field of view? I will keep digging.
The *size* of Jupiter is its most astounding feature. Why are you not communicating the scale of the features in these images? (Reminds me of.. 'Look at my photo of the Grand Canyon.. the depth is estimated to be greater than 10 feet') :-)
Judging by what I've read in a few articles online, there's no way that the average member of the public is going to be able to produce decent-looking pictures from the Junocam images. The images that the NASA/JPL folks keep on proudly displaying in the community-contributed section just aren't possible without access to really high-end processing software.
Just for the sake of it, I looked at the software package that a contributor had mentioned in their online article about a popular image. Unless you can afford a software package that retails for a little over US$7000, then you're just not going to be able to produce a decent quality image.
Because of the magnetosphere around jupiter wouldn't there be a radiatonal belt around jupiter just like our van allen belt? And if there is wouldnt it be alot stronger radiation there than in our belt?
Any chance we could see a photo of Jupiter's rings?
JUPITER TALKING. Right side a big ear expressing "LISTEN" left a white hand thumb on a button, middle a sparkler on ring finger "OR DESTROY"
Definitely interested in the northern foot of the Io flux tube.
When I download pictures, they are png format. How I can download pictures, that those are raw format and I could modify them with D x O Optics. I suppouse there is very easy solution, but I just can't find it.
Dose anyone knows what are those spikes around the horizon on the picture The Six Sister Credit: Gervasio Robert 2017-03-27 20:19 UT? out side the edge of the picture.
In conjunction with Juno's perijoves, HST has been taking observations of the aurorae. I compiled some of these into animated GIFs. Thought you folks might be interested.
Hello, please tell me what moons of Jupiter Juno will fly at the time of nearest perijove
We will try to observe the moons but Juno's elliptical polar orbit does not bring the spacecraft very close to them.
Hi everybody! Just asking, during its orbits around jupiter, does Juno could take pictures of the moons? And why not try to look at Europa's plumes?
How will Juno stand up to Jupiter's powerful magnetosphere?
Hi, I can't seem to download images. I just get a blank file every time. It has been the same for months. Any ideas?
When the Juno mission launched, i was absolutely ecstatic at the idea of what the mission may reveal. Ever since i was little I fantasized about space and creation. I always thought of the cosmos as part of my spiritualism. Now that pictures are coming back my mind is blown. I love that nasa is allowing the public to vote for picture location.
Amazing complexity and sharp differentiation of cloud colours/materials at this resolution.
Would have been interesting to have Juno watch the progression of the NEB disappearance in 2010.
Any clues as to why NEB was submerged but SEB remained?
Breathtaking image processing by Petersmith-84:
Keep the good work lads!
Thank you so much!
~0° deg Inclination pictures ?
Is it projected to have pictures taken at ~0° deg inclination during closest perijove ? it seems that most of what i see in junocam raw, are images taken normal to the orbit. It would be nice to see the cloud/atmosphere interface in a next shot. By the way if such images exist, i did not find them....
I've downloaded some imagesets to my Windows 10 machine but am not able to unzip them. Any ideas??
Too bad that Juno doesn't have a spectrometer. It would have been interesting to collect spectra from lightening at different levels of the atmosphere.
Its sad to see all these photos of Jupiter and its atmosphere are computer generated images. I was expecting the real deal, what's going on here Nasa?
There are enormous storms without lightening.
like to look at a surface over which material movement can possibly happen.
I would like to see a deep closeup of any of the least turbulent spots throughout the planet, perhaps these are the thinnest and would allow us to see below. On the same subject, is there any understanding of the layering? i.e. highest/lowest points on the cloud cover.
i have a suggestion adrastea will there be a mission to photograph the small moon in the jovian rings?
I think strongly intersting to take picture exately centered on the North or South poles of Jupiter to check for the presence of some stable CICLONIC STRUCTURE similar to those discovered on the Saturn poles
On PJ4, I'm hoping we get votes for what appears to be shaping up as a blue-gray region that usually corresponds to a region that's very bright at 5 microns, a so-called 5-micron hot spot, as well as the outbreak structure associated with the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) turbulence following the October outbreak and the more recent South Equatorial Belt (SEB) outbreak. In addition to comments I've made regarding two of these features, I'm wondering whether we might even get a better sense of the absolute altitude differences betweenone cloud layer over another (e.g. the altitude of the upwelling material or the separation between Jupiter's deep clouds), because these features are close enough to the terminator (the separation between daytime and nighttime) that we might observe and analyze shadows of high-altitude cloud layers on lower layers. That would be another first for Juno!! But it all depends on your vote. - Glenn Orton, JPL (Juno coordinator of the Earth-based supporting campaign)
Now that POIs are available for voting for Perijove-4, I'd like to offer the following list of suggestions, in order of priority. Details are on our BAA Jupiter Section web site at: https://www.britastro.org/node/8908
1) The NTB(S) – the new orange belt. [POI: ‘The Big Red Stripe v2’: latitude +22.7 centric.] A unique opportunity.
2) The disrupted NEB north edge. [POI: ‘White Spot Z’ (lat. +14.3)] These latitudes are currently very disrupted from both the NTBs upheaval and NEB outbreaks.
3) The new mid-SEB outbreak. [POI: ‘Structure01’ (lat. -13.75)] Another unique opportunity to catch an exciting phenomenon!
4) Oval BA and currents east of it. [POI: ‘Oval BA’ (lat. -32.7)] Oval BA may be too far from Juno’s track, but Juno will get a good view of the region east of it which has tended to produce new circulations in recent years.
5) SS-AWOs [3 POIs: ‘String of pearls’]. The anticyclonic white ovals of the S.S. Temperate domain.
6) NN-LRS-6 [POI: ‘Small white storm’(lat. +36.25 c)]. A beautiful oval, but very like NN-LRS-1 which was imaged at PJ-3.
Looking forward to seeing the results! --John Rogers.
Attached is a predictive map, showing how I expect the planet to look at perijove-4, and what will be visible to JunoCam. By good fortune, Jupiter is providing a wealth of worthwhile targets to choose from at this flyby! I have posted a list of suggestions on the BAA Jupiter Section web site at: https://www.britastro.org/node/8908
--and will post a summary here when voting starts tomorrow. --John Rogers.
Why haven't we seen data with the resolution of the New Horizons mission? Is it still coming or is the current resolution the best we will get? I'm commenting on the visible spectum only.
Hello, right from the start, I thought that one of the most interesting features of Juno mission is a Polar orbit around a celestial object. Would Nasa adopt the same in future missions? That's a very intuitive question on my mind without ever forgetting that this idea borned out of necessity in Juno's case yet such novelties can truly change the way we perceive, observe or record for the simple reason that we're human!
Have a nice day ☺
Can we learn anything new about Europa with Juno's instruments???
it seems to me that any view of the area(s) affected by shoemaker-levy impacts might be of interest as it is the only evidence we have of external disturbance(s). granted that the turbulence and depth of the gaseous atmosphere, he speed of rotation and strength of gravity may have pre eminent impact on any atmospheric disturbance, a known starting point has some merit. are the string ofpearls related to S-L impacts? and can the historic images of the impacts be progressed, given the knowns that we have, to arrive at likely areas where vestigial effects could be related?
I would like to share the notion that I find jupiter's atmosphere very atmospheric. Indeed.
In the image of Jupiter's south pole (13:56 UT), there are a few dark patches that appear at regular intervals. As they appear on each strip (what I think are the strips), my guess is that these are artifacts on the image sensor and should be removed when processing? I think that I can see some of them appear on the 11:57 UT too.
Visit http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/galileo/ for HD images of Jupiter and the moons.
If you are here looking for pictures and not the science, you will be very disappointed.
You may have noticed that our map is a bit stale. We will have a new one soon as our amateur astronomers start to get good images again.
Would it be possible to image regions of Jupiter under the influence of a shadow transit (solar eclipse by one of four Gallilean moons)? The idea would be to use the shadow as a "spotlight" to provide contrast and depth perception and perform 3-D reconstruction of atmospheric features. The remote sensing community might know how to obtain and model the data from such an endeavor.
Nice work John Rogers, can we get a d-scale [miles] up on it [https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/processing?id=160]
The first 2 arrows from the right pointing at N2 band tubule looks prominent! Is Aug 27, 2106 the date when the image was taken by JunoCam?
JunoCam have an Amalthea filter button? Any POI @ Ama.?
Hello. Just wanted to mention that you should and I hope that a "huge amount of pictures" are taken of Jupiter. Almost all of them are going to be interesting and worthwhile. Just hope that a lot of work occurs in getting them and processing them!
20.00 N, 78.00 E
Juno Mission - Fantastic work! Congratulations to everyone involved. I followed the real-time simulation via the Nasa's Eyes Visualization Software and it was absolutely mind boggling when the craft came in to approx 2,500 miles orbit. Truly awe inspiring. Cannot wait for the pictures and science data.
There are similiar blue dots also on the background, they are just hot pixels and some noise.
NASA.Some great achievements you've done I am really excited about Juno!!
The Juno mission, how exciting - what amazing achievements so far! Unfortunately your NASA website design and global news covering this historical event is infantile to say the least. Why???
I do not know much about it , but in my opinion Juno should stay in a safe place where he can observe without being damaged .
I would like to know more about the storms.
The storms are always in the same places ?
what wave length does juno use to send data back to earth?
how big is the great red spot?????
Right now the spacecraft is in a 53.5 day orbit. On August 27 the spacecraft will make another close pass of Jupiter, like Jupiter Orbit Insertion, except this time we will have all the instruments powered on. We will be taking a series of "test" images with JunoCam as we try out different combinations of exposures and lighting geometries to see what will work best. We will see if we are able to detect the aurora.
We refer to the spacecraft close passes as "PeriJove (PJ) Passes". Jupiter Orbit Insertion was PJ0 and the pass on August 27 is PJ1. The spacecraft will head out on another 53.5 day orbit and then on PJ2 the spacecraft will perform another maneuver that will put Juno into a 14 day orbit. On PJ3 we will do some more tests, then beginning with PJ4 we will ask you, our virtual imaging team, to participate in the decision-making process of deciding where to take images. The "Voting" webpage will be open November 4 to select our images to be taken November 16. The bulk of our images will be taken within an hour of closest approach. One hour before closest approach the spacecraft will be over the north pole. Just 2 hours later the spacecraft will have passed the equator and we'll be looking at the south pole. Then the spacecraft will be outbound and Jupiter will be quickly shrinking in our field of view.
Hi, Welcome to the JunoCam virtual imaging team! This will be our location for discussing what we see going on in Jupiter's atmosphere. Once we are in the 14-day orbits in November we will use this part of the website to have a conversation about what we want to learn with our images. On the voting page we will discuss what to do on a particular pass. We will talk about the science opportunities and the technical constraints in the same way an imaging team would around a conference table. We will make the decisions about how to use our resources together.
Will the results of the magnetometer sensors and other sensors be available to the public for review?
There's a dark spot on Jupiters( -1.37° latitude and 19.483° longitude),what can it be?
This is all so fascinating. Its a privilege to be here as the adventure unfolds. I wonder what Galileo would say.
I really would like to observe some of the Aurora activity
I'd like to suggest that Juno study the dark side of Jupiter. Have any probes studied that side of Jupiter which is not lit by the sun? I know I have seen lightning photos of the dark side of Jupiter, but has anything deeper been done? When photographing the bright side of any object, it washes out any detail on the darker parts of the image. Couldn't Juno photograph ONLY the dark side or sections of the dark side so that inner detail in the atmosphere be seen? Who knows what we could discover about the lower atmospheric layers. Do they glow? This could be like the Hubble concentrating on a completely dark spot on the sky and discovering thousands of far away galaxies. Who knows what we could "see" inside Jupiter's dark side atmosphere?
You said, "I don't know what the scientific merit of studying the night side of Jupiter would be (if anyone has an answer or more information on that, I'd love to know!) ". That is exactly the reaction given to the people who proposed aiming Hubble at a completely dark patch of the sky and they "discovered" thousands of distant galaxies. It is precisely because we do not know what we would see that is the reason for looking at the night side.
@Moa-90 wrote:
> Now, I don't know what the scientific merit of studying the night side of Jupiter
> would be (if anyone has an answer or more information on that, I'd love to know!)
- How about studying mid-latitude auroras? Airglow? Sprites?
- Lightning -- Is there lightning? If so, how is it distributed?
- Do storm cells affect auroras, airglow, or lightning concentrations?
- Can micro-meteors be detected from the re-entry flash? If meteors can be seen, what is their rate? How does this affect the accumulation of solid matter at the planet's core?
- Can we view the sun through the limb of the atmosphere? This may give us a better feel for the density and opacity of the atmosphere and its layers.
- Depending on the capabilities of the camera, atmospheric limb viewing may also reveal atmospheric constituents based on the absorption/transmission of sunlight through the atmospheric limb.
The list goes on and on! The only limit is your imagination.
It seems I worded my last sentence somewhat poorly, my apologies! I wasn't trying to dismiss the possibility of finding something (or many things!) of scientific interest in studying the night side of Jupiter. As Hobart said in his reply, "That is exactly the reaction given to the people who proposed aiming Hubble at a completely dark patch of the sky..." I was trying to convey that I didn't know what we would be looking for, and I was hoping that someone like yourself would add in such information. My main point was that it would likely be more difficult to study it with the Juno spacecraft. But, like I said, I could be wrong! Thanks for your comments.
a lot of people think the same thing, but juno must have its solar panels face the sun:(
Question 1) Given that "Jupiter has a dynamic atmosphere"... how come, that the picture of Jupiter from the NASA article "Jupiter's Great Red Spot is Shrinking" from May 2014 looks exactely the same as "Hubble Captures Vivid Auroras in Jupiter’s Atmosphere" in June 2016 8except fot the lightblue aurora at the pole)? Question 2) How come that the footage of JUNO's fly by of earth and moon in 2013 shows no stars at all in the black sky?
"All planetary images have black background." Huh? So, how come that Hubble deliveres such beautiful space-pictures? And the aurora must have been photo shopped by NASA employees, because it is published on NASA's official website... Such tricks do not instill trust :-(
The aurora was obviously put onto a Jupiter image (by some public outreach guy I suppose) in order to show how large it is and where it is on the planet! The aurora image itself is pretty abstract. They were not trying to keep any aliens secret. "Canada was pink on the map in my school book, but I've been to Canada and the ground isn't pink there!" Don't pretend to be so stupid, Lanusel-23! I don't know anything about cameras, but if there's a big fat bright planet in the image, then tiny faint stars cannot be imaged next to it. Put a sand grain next to a spot light and image it with your smart phone and you will discover this.
Actually, Jupiter's aurora are visible in other wavelengths or "colors" of light not sensed by the human eye, such as 3.3 microns, which is sensitive to H3+ emission. So by taking an image of Jupiter in that wavelength and overlaying it on a visible image of Jupiter, we can show the aurora and the visible planet at the same time. It is not a trick, the data is real...it's just overlaying snapshots taken in different wavelengths of light.
makes sences
The Planetary Society just released a blog post on the meteorology of Jupiter. It explains a lot about the cloud features of Jupiter and about what we could learn from JunoCam.
I would like to see images related to the antipode of the giant red spot. It would be interesting to see if there are any signs congruent on the opposite side of the planet.
Congratulations to the Juno team on a historic accomplishment! I am excited to see what light the spacecraft can shed on our origins!
Maybe Juno could get closer to Io, above its pole, as Juno approaches or departs from Jupiter than during perijove? Maybe remaining fuel could allow getting even closer in the end. But Io is very impopular, I've never heard of any interest of examining it. And NASA is extremely afraid of the aliens everyone KNOWS live inside Europa, so I'm sorry. And Juno is not well equipped to study it anyway.
When the spacecraft dives into Jupiter the sheer heat and pressure as it descends will rip any biological organism to atoms. It will be sterilized so that there is no chance of contamination of Europa.
If we get confirmation that they even exist? I guess so. There might be nothing there and simply the building blocks of organic life. I mean, it was sheer astronomical coincidence that Earth could even sustain life due to being in the Goldilocks Zone for liquid water and other factors. Then, it was possibly another unlikely event that caused those organic particles to even form into the basis of life. If we find life it'd be amazing, but it's still a big if.
Yes. That would very exciting to find even the most basic forms of life. What amazing times we live in.
Could we get an example sample of the data that Juno would send back? Perhaps the programmers here could write tools to process it and upload it here.
@Californa-53, Io happens to be of the same size and is at a similar distance from Jupiter as Earth's moon is. Juno will pass about 300,000 km from Io when they happen to be on the same side of the planet. So I think it would be possible. Like imaging a volcanic eruption on our Moon. Io deserves its own missions, it would be spectacular.
There are hi-res images of Io from both Voyager and Galileo.
Yeah but I want to see how Io has changed over the course of this time.
Hey everyone, would it be a good idea to point Junocam to Io? Last time we visited in 2007 we found a new volcano, I want to see how that new volcano has changed.
2. Weight and stuff
explain please
1. I apologize in advance if I sound rude, but when are we gonna start seeing photos from Juno? I know scientific studies won't be known until September, but at least Juno can take pictures, right?
2. Why didn't they send a flying drone-like probe into Jupiter's atmosphere?
3. When will a probe be sent to Europa?
With the raw images will we get sensor readouts, spectrographs, etc. as well. Possibly in a ZIP or for more compression and to be able to programmatically stream and extract contents on the fly a tar.gz archive
Will the spacecraft send back pictures as it burns up in Jupiter's atmosphere at the end of the mission? It's be cool to see what is underneath the surface.
I would like to look at raw images. I love browsing Cassini raw images of Saturn. Where can I see raw images from Juno?
Does anyone know if/where I can obtain Juno's orbital elements? It doesn't matter how sketchy they are, I know they'll improve over time. I'd like to plug them into one of the sky-visualization applications to be able to show the kids (lesson plan when school starts again) "If you were riding on Juno right now here's what you'd see" looking toward Jupiter and back toward Sol. Thanks!
Thanks for the tip; I know I could do it that way. But there's a method to my madness in wanting to do it 'offline', as such, and some of the hardware I want to show it on (planetarium projector) isn't internetted. Also i'd have the ability to project the orbit forward/backward and back-calculate an approach to make it look good.
I didn't find any parameters of orbits. Maybe a little dip inside internet will show them.
Can't wait! Nasa's images are always top notch. They certainly earn their tax dollars, that's for sure.
Why do you only show cartoon animations? no real pictures. Another question, how is it possible for JUNO to survive the extreme radiation from Jupiter? And nothing happens to the spacecraft? Was it really so important to take LEGO!! with you? When are we going to see a real picture or video footage of the whole earth spinning in space?? If JUNO's camera is simelar to a camera on your smartphone it should be able to do that?
I hope all goes well for Juno and congratulations to all the teams involved. Can we expect images of lightning storms? I would be interested to know whether Jovian lightning storms occur only in water/ice clouds or also in ammonia clouds as well.
Hello, we all know now that Juno mission's focusing exclusively on Jupiter and especially the poles yet, can-we still expect anything concerning the Moons and particularily Europa in coming months? Thanks
Thank you ☺
Cool, that'll be a great sight! Also, at what point will Juno take the pictures? Is it at its farthest away or its closer approach to the planet on its "flight" path?
Don't know, I heard it from Junocam scientist at Juno's twitter account, she didn't say when will the close passes be.
i think mostly during its close up "flybys"
Exciting and can't wait to see all of its findings
Such a cool idea to let the public have a say what pictures are taken. BRAVO! I posted I would like to see a shot across the South Pole back toward the Sun and hopefully some Aurora show up in the picture. Not sure how well the picture would come out with all that light, but maybe it will turn out great!!! Good luck everyone and Thanks NASA and all those behind this project!!! Tsia-92
I'm so excited about being part of tihs historic mission. I can't wait to get back to school and share the findings with my Astronomy students!
Please photos of where Shoemaker comet impacted
This is interesting. Hope to see more of the gas giants.
Excited to be a part of history and discovery of our giant planet out in the cosmos :-) #WeAreAllStarstuff
I am so incredibly excited about what we can find out about this beautiful, but terrifying planet in our celestial neighborhood
So cosmically fabulous
Absolutely amazing to look at
I have 3D vision capabilities without glasses. Is their a way you can provide me 2 stereo pics of jupiter to review my location interest for Juno to look at. The photos I suggested are not the red and blue pics. They are photos at different time pics but close together. This will unable me to view the depth of Jupiter clouds. Thank you.
Looking at the science channel now, I can't control my excitement.
I look forward to all the information that will be uncovered in the months to come!
This has moderation, so 4Chan won't have a huge influence.
I can't wait to see
Even if my spot isn't selected, I can't wait to see the images Juno sends back!
We should really try to understand Jupiter, and how Jupiter protects us from asteriods
Sadly I think this may end up like the dub the dew contest and reach mecha kek
Yes we want to see!! So exciting!
Ditto JPL…when are the first images expected, were there any taken during the POI?
Ready for Juno to look through the veil
So when can we expect the first images?
This level of interaction with the public is long over due! This will make these projects cool again when we do not have to wait years to enjoy the results. Kudos NASA you nailed this one spot one!!
Amazing ! Thanks for nasa this event wonderful
this is very exciting!
they said that not all JunoCam images would be released.. it depends on how "interesting" they are. Boooooo! JunoCam is supposed to be the people's camera. Release ALL images, no matter how boring you think them to be, like Cassini does. Who knows- we might find an extra moon from just a boring image of stars!
Will there be live video feed from jpl?
wow what a great thing for NASA to share with us all
I would like to see the icy surface details of Europa, and see what more in-depth spectroscopy we can get of the water layer beneath.
Would love to see more detail of Jupiter's atmosphere being perturbed by a moon's gravity -- wonder if/how that plays into the swirling visible with even my 11" mirror
Hi I am unable to view the submission guidelines pdf in the planning phase. I am astronomy enthusiast and I would love to use the Juno mission as an opportunity to learn more about astronomy. I would love to buy my first telescope and learn during the course of mission in the hope that one of my chosen points of interest would be selected by this forum.
Would request suggestions from this forum on which telescope(s) should i buy and any tutorials on how to operate one.
Cheers to human curiosity!
Can we not just turn the camera to look at Europa for a bit, I reckon that would be a bit of a game changer!
Who's ready for Juno's arrival at Jupiter tomorrow?
I think we should shy away from well established features like the GRS, and instead focus on more temporary phenomenon. The GRS will likely be there indefinitely, better to study things that may be dynamic or uncommon.
Just my two cents.
HELLO! I'm here lol
No, Jupiter is not a failed star. This is because stars are formed directly from the collapse of dense clouds and interstellar dust, where Jupiter was formed from the matter that was leftover from the stars formation, just like earth.
Is jupiter a failed star??
Just a question, but would it be possible to point this camera at Europa as well?
Is NASA going to make a probe that will be able to with stand the atmospheric pressures to be able to take pictures, data, and samples in to Jupiter?
Is Juno going to probe deep with radar? I would love to see a map of Jupiter's core. Somehow I do not think it is the perfect round ball we see in illustrations. It's prolly ugly and lumpy, and causes the big red spot with an odd protrusion.
Wouldn't the asteroid impacts suggest that the surface is solid?
Excited for Juno's arrival to our giant Jupiter !!!!
I think this is an amazing mission to Jupitor. Just the mileage alone is staggering. I feel very priveledged to be part of this mission.
Hello, where we can learn more about the technical specifications and maybe also some limitations of JunoCam with respect to working conditions around Jupiter? Thanks
Am I going to be able to see something concerning to this mission with my Amateur telescope?
Optical Design Newtonian Reflector
Aperture (mm) 130 mm (5.12 in)
Focal Length 650 mm (26 in)
Focal Ratio 5
Focal Length of Eyepiece 1 (mm) 25 mm (0.98 in)
Magnification of Eyepiece 1 26 x
Focal Length of Eyepiece 2 (mm) 9 mm (0.35 in)
Magnification of Eyepiece 2 72 x
Finderscope StarPointer
Mount Type Motorized Altazimuth
Accessory Tray No Tool, Quick release
Tripod Steel
Highest Useful Magnification 307 x
Lowest Useful Magnification 19 x
Limiting Stellar Magnitude 13.1
Resolution (Rayleigh) 1.07 arc seconds
Resolution (Dawes) 0.89 arc seconds
Light Gathering Power (Compared to human eye) 345 x
Apparent Field of View 1.7 °
Linear Field of View (@1000 yds) 91 ft (28 m)
Secondary Mirror Obstruction 1.7 in (43 mm)
Secondary Mirror Obstruction by Diameter 33%
Secondary Mirror Obstruction by Area 11%
A report on Jupiter’s atmospheric features in June, 2016, has just been posted by the BAA Jupiter Section. It gives more general background than usual, for the benefit of readers who are not familiar with the planet’s curiosities. We hope the maps and images therein will help anyone who wants to understand what is going on on the planet. It also gives useful links for further information. The report is on the Jupiter Section web page at:
For regular aficionados, the new items in this report are:
>>The NEB expansion has regressed, but the methane-dark wave pattern is maintained;
>>The SEB following the GRS has become quiescent, with no new plumes for several weeks;
>>Oval BA has been getting redder throughout the apparition.
--John Rogers.
i also wounder if juno might be able to bring physical samples of the gases as it orbits the great planet
esto va a ser genial muchachos júpiter mas cerca que nunca en nuestras vidas y gracias a la mano de juno, estaría buena la idea de extraer partículas de gas de júpiter y analizar pero lamentablemente los vientos y la atmósfera de jupiter son muy intensos, lo que estaría bueno hacer enviar nanobots mientras mas chico menos se va a perder.
The Cassini mission provided polar imagery of Jupiter.
which is datum point '0' coordinates for Latitude and Longitude ?
I can't wait to see the North and South poles up close!